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The Healing Power of Self-Compassion by Kelley Grimes at Cultivating Peace and Joy

“Feeling compassion for ourselves in no way releases us from responsibility for our actions. Rather, it releases us from the self-hatred that prevents us from responding to our life with clarity and balance.”
—Tara Brach


Over the last week I have been preparing to file my taxes and facing my financial anxiety head on. To prevent feeling the overwhelm of this anxiety in the past, I found many ways to avoid my financial reality. Over the last year I have taken empowered steps to remedy this unhealthy pattern and raise my financial self-awareness. In addition, I have deepened my capacity for self-compassion, which has transformed everything.


Over the years thinking about my finances would often cause major stress in my life and trigger shame and grief about my choices or the debt we had as a result of our daughter’s chronic health challenges.


When I made a financial mistake, like paying a bill late, overlooking an expense, or not being able to pay off my credit card, I would see this mistake as more evidence of my unworthiness. I would often react by blaming and shaming myself or worse blaming my husband. I found my self-talk would be critical and judgmental, which further undermined my confidence and self-worth.


In the past, I definitely did not treat myself the way I would treat a friend if they made the same mistake, but this time it was different. Over the course of preparing to file my taxes, I found an expense I did not know I was being charged for the past six months. Immediately my embarrassment and shame was triggered but instead of reacting, I noticed my distress instead. I was able to name what I was experiencing and nurture myself through the discomfort.


I choose to respond to myself with self-compassion right away and it transformed the experience completely.


The power of self-compassion is that it is invites you to love yourself just as you are and supports you in owning and accepting all of who you are. As a result you can forgive yourself when you make a mistake instead of rejecting yourself or aspects of yourself.


There are so many benefits to treating ourselves with kindness and compassion including decreasing stress, increasing peace of mind and improving our overall health and wellness. How we treat ourselves also informs how others treat us. When we choose to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, we teach others by our example and the ripple effects are endless.


From this place of self-compassion, we can transform our feelings of unworthiness. When we choose to be kind to ourselves, we reinforce our value and self-worth. With each act of self-compassion, we reinforce our worthiness and nurture inner peace and self-acceptance.


With a practice of self-compassion, we can transform negative thinking and create peace of mind at any time. Self-compassion is a deeply self-nurturing act and reinforces our worth and value with each compassionate response.


How often do you give your peace of mind away by criticizing and judging yourself?


If you wonder if this is true for you, think of a time recently when you made a mistake and reflect on how you spoke to yourself.


Were you loving and compassionate or unkind and self-critical?


If you noticed that you were unkind to yourself when you made a mistake, ask yourself if you would ever speak that way to a good friend?


The answer for most of us is a resounding no, yet we so easily berate and criticize ourselves.


But what if we chose self-compassion instead?


At any time, we can decrease our stress and anxiety by choosing self-compassion. We can accept all of ourselves and recognize that we made a mistake but we are not a mistake. We have the power to transform our feelings of unworthiness by not feeding that misperception with negative self-talk, blame, and shame. Self-compassion then becomes the salve on our broken hearts and the beacon of light in the storm of our lives.


I am inspired by Brene Brown’s wisdom, “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”


Self-compassion allows us to be brave and accept our darkness and our light and gives us the power to own our story instead of running from it.


May you commit to making the world a little brighter by embracing the healing power of self-compassion today and nurturing more peace in the world from the inside out!

Kelley Grimes

Sending you so much peace, love and gratitude,

Kelley Grimes, M.S.W.
Counselor, Author & Speaker

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Join the discussion 14 Comments

  • Hi Kelley, This is beautiful and so true!! I loved the Brene Brown quote. I, too have had a similar experience with finances, taxes and lack of self-compassion. I also decided this was the year to switch it up. I switched accountants, I did Akashic clearing work for myself around taxes and all financial which ensured I would say a 21 day prayer that backed that clearing and I truly watched when negative comments would come up. I left my accountant hugging her, happy, saying “Numbers are fun” which I truly still can’t even believe happened on one level! On another – I know that this journey allows us to heal all once we become aware. This is a beautiful post – thank you for sharing your own story as I know mine is not the only similar one and it will touch many. It does begin with self-compassion and sometimes I can even get myself to kinda giggle at my “old story” saying, “Boy that human is at it again – I know that’s not TRUE”. Sending so much love!! xoxo

  • Suzie Cheel says:

    Kelley I know how you feel, I have been on a financial healing journey for the past toommany years- now i lovingly thank myself as i get the taxes complete- congrats and thank you xo

    • I love that you lovingly thank yourself Suzie as you get the taxes complete! I am really proud of myself for having everything ready now when our appointment is not until the end of the week and for responding to myself with love and compassion. Thank you for your kind comment!

  • Leila says:

    Thank You Kelley for this awesome blog and questions to ponder. This is a point I am in right now and such encourage me to press on.
    Thank youuu

    • I am so grateful that you found the post helpful and encouraging Leila. May you continue to embrace self-compassion on your journey! Thank you so much for the comment!

  • Debra Reble says:

    Such an insightful and beautiful post Kelley! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and I especially find the questions helpful in teasing out our energy blocks to self-compassion. Blessings and <3

  • Andrea says:

    Wow. My husband and I are dealing with a bit of a mess of another type right now but generally the sort of thing I beat myself up for. I am pleasantly surprised that I have been able to absorb some of his lovely calm and say “It is what it is. Bless and release.” Thank you for making me aware of this.

    • I love the statement bless and release Andrea! So filled with grace and wisdom and what a blessing that you are choosing to absorb his lovely calm. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and inspiring words.

  • I think the moment I realized that there were more of us out there in the same boat as not, and that we all had to struggle with accepting ourselves as we are, my life started to shift and I embraced myself more.

    • Barb the power of knowing we are not alone is so transformative and opens our hearts and minds to more self-compassion for sure. I have been leading support groups for over twenty years and knowing we are not alone ends up being the most healing aspect of the groups. Thank you so much for sharing your truth!

  • Heather says:

    I too felt stressed about finances and taxes in the past, but I chose to heal it. I choose to heal the worry over it.
    PS love the quote from Brene Brown

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