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Are You Exactly Where You Need To Be?

Are You Exactly Where You Need To Be? by Kelley Grimes at Cultivating Peace and Joy

“I am exactly where I need to be, I need to be exactly where I am, I am a blessing manifest…”

~ Amy Steinberg


I love Amy Steinberg’s lyrics and am so grateful to have performed her song “Exactly” with my women’s singing group many times over the last four years. These brilliant lyrics are a powerful reminder that there are remarkable opportunities that surround us every moment when we recognize that we are exactly where we need to be.


This insight and wisdom has been especially poignant and challenging for me to embrace over the last three months as I have been suffering with hives. Itching for most of my waking and sleeping hours has challenged my belief that I am exactly where I need to be since I can barely stand to be in my own skin.


Shortly after the hives manifested, I began exploring the lessons my body was trying to teach me. I have come to understand that this experience is another opportunity to bring more awareness to myself in this moment and to accept that I am exactly where I need to be. When I embrace these opportunities to learn more about myself, my needs, and my body instead of ignoring the lessons or wishing they would just stop, I feel more empowered and hopeful.


I truly believe that in every moment we have the opportunity to nurture ourselves when we learn to embrace that we have a choice in how we respond to our experience.


“I am exactly where I need to be, I need to be exactly where I am, I am surrendering so willingly…” ~Amy Steinberg


When we are able to recognize that we are exactly where we need to be, we are able to deepen our appreciation of the moment, recognize the profound beauty of our experience, and open to all there is to learn in the present moment. Indeed, surrendering so willingly to the experience is a deeply nurturing and empowering choice.


Unfortunately, many of us spend the present moment waiting for something else to happen, or feeling regret or sadness about the past, or anxiously planning what will come next instead of being in the now. As a result, we miss being truly present and the opportunities to nourish, cherish and encourage our growth and potential. The beautiful thing is that when we decide to release our resistance about things not being as we wish they were and appreciate what actually is in this moment, the challenging experience is transformed.


“I am exactly where I need to be, I need to be exactly where I am, I am divinely timed and shining brightly…” ~Amy Steinberg


I particularly love this line of Exactly. I believe that when we entertain the idea that we may actually need to be exactly where we are for our growth and healing, we may be more willing to pay attention to the lessons along the way. We may also slow down, take a deep breath and allow the process to unfold instead of judging and criticizing ourselves and the experience. When we do there is the potential to shine brightly and be filled with gratitude and grace, even in challenging situations. And even more exciting, we have the opportunity to nurture ourselves through the process.


When we choose to be present, we deepen our awareness, insight and wisdom and open to the infinite possibilities and hope of connecting to life with transformative love, joy and gratitude, no matter what our circumstances are.


“I am exactly where I need to be, I need to be exactly where I am, I am a blessing manifest…” ~ Amy Steinberg


I invite you to reflect on the following questions:


How are you exactly where you need to be?


What blessing are you manifesting in your life just by being you in the present moment?


What intentional choices can you make to honor the opportunities to learn and grow by being exactly where you are?


How could you surrender more willingly to the opportunities only present in this moment?


For me, I know that reminding myself that I am exactly where I need to, I need to be exactly where I am feels liberating and empowering regardless of how much I itch. Releasing my resistance to what I am experiencing and opening to the opportunities to learn and grow feels nurturing and much more compassionate than believing that my body is betraying me. My clarifying question that I have been asking for months, what is the most self-compassionate thing I can do continues to be my guiding light.


May you embrace the truth that you are exactly where you need to be, you need to be exactly where you are, you are a blessing manifest, as you continue to nurture peace in the world from the inside out.

Kelley Grimes

Sending you so much peace, love and gratitude,

Kelley Grimes, M.S.W.
Counselor, Author & Speaker

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Join the discussion 21 Comments

  • Very powerful words and reminder Kelley. As a recovering perfectionist and someone whose shadow is “patience” especially with myself – these words resonate and ring like a huge bell. I know this, teach this and about the present moment but this sure is a wonderful mantra and reminder! Thank you! Sending many blessings, Jenny

    • Thank you so much Jenny for your lovely comment and beautiful phrase “resonate and ring like a huge bell.” I am so grateful to read about your experience and so relate to the need to cultivate more patience with my healing process. Thank you and sending many blessings back to you!

  • Laura says:

    Beautiful story Kelly. The wisdom of the can tell us so much when we quiet the mind and practice presence. That’s where the magic lies. Namastè

  • Thank you Kelley for this beautiful reminder! Acceptance allows us to truly living in the moment. Great questions to ponder. Wishing you a wonderful 2018 full of blessings Lisa xx

    • Thank you so much Lisa! Without a doubt acceptance allows us to truly live in the moment and is a challenging and liberating practice. May your 2018 also be filled with many blessings!

  • Erin Esser says:

    Thank you! This is powerful and I’m going to write down the “I am exactly where I need to be” quote and have it on my mirror! Thank you for this beautiful message this morning!!

  • Andrea says:

    Oh, honey… that sounds yucky.

    As you know, I’ve had some long-term pain issues that have, from time to time, been overwhelming. But, like you, I know that nothing ever goes away until I’ve figured out what it is trying to teach me. Like so many things, resistance makes it worse. It has been very helpful to address “issues” with the same question: What are you trying to teach me?

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Andrea I so appreciate your compassion and have so much empathy for your long-term pain issues. I so agree that nothing goes away until we learn the lessons and I am grateful to be getting clearer about what mine are connected to these hives. Thank you so much for your comment and sharing your experience.

  • Debra Reble says:

    Thank you Kelley for this uplifting and inspirational post! And thank you for introducing me to Amy Steinberg and her beautiful lyrics. I too, trust that I an exactly where I need to be in any given moment if I open my heart and take in the scenery. xo

  • Rachel says:

    i was recently in a book group that studied and practiced Katie Byron’s last book. It was great experience of embracing what is and fully living in the present. I am exactly where I need to be 🙂

  • Leila says:

    Thank you Kelley for sure a beautiful reminder to accept and acknowledge and enjoy the present. It is liberating!

  • I love your poignant words Kelley about spending the present moment waiting for something else to happen, or feeling regret or sadness about the past, or anxiously planning what will come next instead of being in the now. As a result, we miss being truly present and the opportunities to nourish, cherish and encourage our growth and potential. I truly believe the magic, blessing and miracles are in the present moment, as we let go and release resistance. Exactly where we are to be…

  • CK Kochis says:

    This is a powerful post, Kelley. The quote “I am exactly where I need to be, I need to be exactly where I am, I am surrendering so willingly…” hit home. I have experienced a tremendous amount of transition in 2017. When I finally paused and allowed the Divine to sit with me as I surrendered to ‘what is’, a huge weight evaporated. There’s a reason for everything and everything happens for a reason. How we interpret life’s events determines how we witness our blessings. Thank you.

  • Even hives have something to tell us if we just take the time to sit in stillness and silence, and listen. Beautiful post.

  • Krystal says:

    I love this post Kelley! It rings so true and I love that in your photo we can see that self compassion shine through! xoxo

  • Ginny Baro says:

    I love this message and your questions Kelley! Thank you. As I start my own business, I’ve finally began to exhale and appreciate that I’m exactly where I need to be and that all is taken care of. xoxo

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