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Choose Authenticity by Kelley Grimes at Cultivating Peace and Joy

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

~Brene Brown


Last week I explored how empowering it is to embrace the heroine within through the power of choice. Embracing the heroine within means choosing to focus on how you have become stronger and wiser as a result of overcoming challenges and understanding how these experiences have supported you in showing up, being real, and letting your true self be seen.


In the process of embracing and expressing our authentic selves, meditation can be a very helpful practice. Meditation allows us to reconnect with ourselves and create space around us to honor and acknowledge all of who we are. Intentionally pausing each day to come home to ourselves, increases our awareness, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves.


Letting our true selves be seen can only happen when we are willing to honor and acknowledge all parts of ourselves. This includes the aspects that we proudly express to the world and the not so shiny parts that we may try to hide from the world, because they trigger feelings of shame and embarrassment.


To show up authentically in our lives, we must find a way to make peace with all the aspects of ourselves. When we cover up parts of ourselves we undermine our ability to be vulnerable, honest, and truly present with others. If we spend our time and energy trying to conceal a part of ourselves and are distracted by our own stories, we are not able to fully attend to the other person.


I love this reminder from Thich Nhat Hanh, “When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?”


With the practice of meditation, we learn to be kind, gentle and compassionate with all the parts of ourselves.  Through our practice we cultivate awareness first and then can respond to ourselves with loving kindness, humility, grace, and gratitude. Over time we cultivate the ability to acknowledge the truth of who we are with all of our disparate aspects that make up the unique and beautiful beings that we are.


The less we deny parts of ourselves, the more compassion we can draw upon both for ourselves and for others in the world. We can use our practice of meditation to honor and acknowledge all of who we are with our messiness and beauty and as a result be more loving, accepting and compassionate in our lives.


When we choose to live authentically, we can more easily show up intentionally in our relationships and weave mindfulness and presence into our lives. In the process, we find new discoverable strengths within ourselves, and grow and blossom in our relationship with ourselves and others.  At any moment, we have the power to choose authenticity and loving connection starting with ourselves. Connecting with others in a deep and meaningful way results in being seen, heard, and acknowledged. Authentic connection is life changing and reminds us that we are not alone and that we matter.


Truly connecting with others is a deeply rewarding, nurturing, and life affirming experience that begins from the inside out, just like nurturing peace in the world.


May you choose to nurture your authenticity each and every day as you to nurture peace in the world from the inside out!

Kelley Grimes

Sending you so much peace, love and gratitude,

Kelley Grimes, M.S.W.
Counselor, Author & Speaker

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Join the discussion 18 Comments

  • Lore Raymond says:

    Ahhh, great wisdom here, “…If we spend our time and energy trying to conceal a part of ourselves and are distracted by our own stories, we are not able to fully attend to the other person.” I am realizing this more and more as I become more mindful of where and with whom I share my energy with. And so I will, “choose authenticity and loving connection starting with ourselves.” xo

  • Beautiful reminder of the importance of fully accepting ourselves and living authentically.

  • Leila says:

    I love it ????
    Authenticity is what I am all about. I strive everyday to dig deep and just be me. I also help others take the same journey.
    Thanks for sharing Kelley. I enjoyed reading as usual????

  • Suzie CHEEL says:

    Wow Kelley we are on the same page today- not my blog, but an inspiration I shared on my profile from my mornings meditation- Be true to you, step into your power today with love and compassion xxoo Love this

  • Andrea says:

    Good morning, Kelley – In a little while, I am headed out to a fancy breakfast with three amazing friends of mine. And, somehow, we’ve all managed to share the good, the bad and the ugly with one another. It’s a gorgeous connection. Thanks.

    • How wonderful Andrea! Authentic connections are true blessings as are the acceptance and growth that come with them. I hope your time with your friends was nurturing and fun. Thank you so much for your comment!

  • Marie says:

    The gift that keeps giving is the phrase that popped into my head when I read your article, I love meditation and agree with everything you have here.

  • Jill Celeste says:

    Hi, Kelly: I wish I could frame this article. LOL! It speaks so true about how I live my life – but also how I run my business, specifically with marketing. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I especially love Brene’s quote at the top.

  • I tell people who ask me about meditation that it is a gift I give to myself, for myself, to reveal myself.

  • To “honor and acknowledge all of who we are with all our messiness and beauty” is a a path to authenticity and presence. Thank you for this powerful article. I wonder if this is can grow easier as we mature and when there is some strong self identification. I find it so now, I am not sure I would have in my twenties. Something to ponder.

    • I agree that the longer I have been nurturing and embracing my authenticity the easier it is to express it. Thank you so much for your thoughtful quote Meghan!

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